Northeast Asian History Foundation is one of the few institutions in the world that pursue history reconciliation. Launched in 2006, our Foundation has made a lot of efforts to resolve conflicts over historical and territorial issues between Korea and surrounding nations. However, as we have seen the Korea-Japan summit held in Kyoto at the end of last year where 'the issue of comfort women for the Japanese Army' emerged as a core topic of the summit discussion, it is very difficult to reconcile history between countries that were once hostile to each other, meaning that there is still a long rugged way ahead for the Foundation.
At this very moment of my writing this message, the media hurriedly convey the news that the chairman of the North Korea's National Defense Commission KIM Jong-il has died. The situation in the Korean Peninsula will become extremely unstable and highly fluid. What are we in Northeast Asian History Foundation supposed to do in such an extraordinarily special situation? With mixed feelings in this complicated situation, I am reminding myself of our Foundation's primary mission and write a few tasks for us to perform in the new year.
First, we are going to put more efforts to defend our sovereignty over Dokdo. Recently, Japan has been strengthening their verbal activities infringing our sovereignty over Dokdo. Last year, our Foundation produced supplementary teaching materials on Dokdo and distributed them to primary and secondary school students across the nation. This year, we will establish Dokdo Experience Center (tentatively named) in Seoul so that both Koreans and foreigners will be able to have correct knowledge about Dokdo.
Second, we will maintain our firm attitude in responding to distortions of the Korean history by countries around us. For instance, we will pay more attention to Japanese descriptions in their textbooks and 'the Northeast Project' of China. History reconciliation starts with having correct knowledge of facts. Our Foundation will make more efforts to deepen our researches on points of dispute, arrange and distribute the results.
Third, we will strengthen our business of storing resources about the East Asian histories including Korean history in particular into a database. Last year, our Foundation participated in the national DB project and achieved a great result. This year we will expand the business further and a greater number of our people will be able to access the enormous amount of resources that our Foundation has accumulated.
Fourth, we will extend the international network of our Foundation. Our Foundation has already been closely cooperating with a large number of researchers and educators in Japan and China. And we have entered into agreements with leading institutions in the US, Germany, Mongolia, countries in Central Asia, Russia, Vietnam, etc. for promoting exchanges. This year we will strengthen these relationships so that our Foundation will become a hub institution for history reconciliation.
Fifth, we will make efforts to widely disseminate the historical knowledge that has been dealt with by our Foundation. Last year, our Foundation organized 'The History Concert' which attracted a great number of people. Through this event we could confirm that people are anxious to know 'the history'. This year we will improve the content of 'The History Concert' so that the general public will become more familiar to 'the history'.
Sixth, this year will see the 20th anniversary of our diplomatic relationships with China and countries in Central Asia. We will also have the 1600th anniversary of the death of King Gwanggaeto of Koguryo and the 1500th anniversary of Silla's incorporation of Ulleungdo (and Dokdo). Our Foundation will study from different angles the meanings of these events in the long path of a history and will disseminate the results.
Seventh, we cannot predict yet at this stage how the death of Chairman of North Korea's National Defense Commission Kim Jong-il will affect the future of the Korean Peninsula. But, our Foundation will seek ways for exchange and cooperation with North Korean historians. In fact, our Foundation held a meaningful academic conference with North Korean scholars in Vladivostok Russia about the histories and cultures of Koguryo and Balhae. We will, again this year with a firm principle, push for fruitful academic exchanges with North Korea.
Given the circumstances in and outside our country, this year we will need guidance and encouragement more than ever from those who care about and love Northeast Asian History Foundation. I would like you to show your warm affection. And I wish you good health and a lot of good luck during this new year.