For more in-depth studies on Dokdo, it is necessary not only to explore areas that remain unstudied but to review the already disputed areas from a fresh perspective in order to refine our logic. This collection of papers is intended to review the most important issues in Dokdo studies from the traditional perspective of literary criticism while taking an approach from the standpoint of geographical designation survey or the local history of Japan. Once accumulated, these attempts will broaden the base of Dokdo studies and help form the fresh logic in the process that is objective and convincing. This collection of papers is a result of the collaboration between historians and geographers to examine the Ulleungdo and Dokdo of pre-modern days though the filters of Korean and Japanese histories.
The Major Issues of Dokdo Studies Reviewed from the Viewpoint of Literary Criticism
「A Study on the Dokdo Islets as Represented in the Ulleungdo Investigation Records in the Late Joseon Period」 by Professor Kim Gi-Hyeok (Pusan National University) is an attempt to identify the islets as represented by the investigators of Ulleungdo in the late Joseon period by keeping track of their route and studying the experiences they had in each location and the places names they recorded. The extent of the regular investigation that started from the 18th century didn't reach beyond the coastal areas. However, Lee Gyu-Won's investigation in 1882 not only covered the coastal areas but included the local survey of the inland areas by land that lasted over an extended period of time. An analysis of the place names in the investigation records has confirmed that the present-day Jukdo near the coast of Ulleungdo used to be called 'Jukdo' or 'Daedo' in the Joseon period. The name for Usando has not been found. Judging from the place names and the descriptions of the island found in the investigation records and from the investigation maps, it is the present-day Jukdo that is depicted as the largest island in the southeast of Ulleungdo in a 20-li sectioned map. The island depicted far to the east with the name 'Usan' is the present-day Dokdo.
「The Scene of the Ahn Yong-Bok Incident - The 17th-century Tottori Domain and Oki Province」by Professor Choi Eun-Seok (Researcher of Korean Consulate General in Hiroshima) aimed at presenting the overview of the Ahn Yong-Bok incident in 17th-century Japan and each of the local powers directly related to Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Some of the issues that were not completely discussed at least in Korea are the domestic situations of Japan at the time and the validity of 《Takeshima Passage Permit》as a historical record. It is believed that these two issues were actually derived from the single issue of the 17th-century Tottori Domain, Yonago, Oki, and the Oya and the Murakawa families and their intertwined relationships. For this reason, the author first gave an overview of Tottori Domain's history (Kunikae) and its administrative system and form, then examined the Arao family of Yonago placed in a unique position within the Tottori Domain, and described the 17th century of Oki, one of the most important regions in relation to Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Finally, the author examined the Oya and the Murakawa families, the direct opponents of Ahn Yong-Bok among other Joseon fishermen, who played the most important role in raising awareness of the Ulleungdo issue at that time and are presented as the strongest evidence in Japan's claim that Dokdo is their own territory.
「A Study on the Accounts of 'Ulleungdo/Usando' within the Joseon Literature」 by Researcher Yoon Yoo-Sook (Northeast Asia History Foundation), regarding the question "Has Korea been aware of Dokdo since early times?" one of the major issues currently disputed between Korea and Japan, examined the issue of comparing 'Usando' written along with 'Ulleungdo' in the Joseon literature to Dokdo. Based on the descriptions in the literature, including 《Geographical Records from the Annals of King Sejong》 , 《Revised and Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea》 , 《Reference Compilation of Documents on Korea》 , 《Government Handbook》 , and《Enlarged and Supplemented Encyclopedia of Historical Records》 , Korea is in the position that Korea has been aware of 'Ulleungdo' and 'Usando' since ancient times and that 'the Usando is none other than Dokdo.' On the other hand, Japan is questioning the credibility of the Korean literature as historic records for a few reasons. By examining the accounts in the Joseon literature that are mentioned as important evidence for Korea's sovereignty claim over Dokdo, this study reviewed the problems that Japan is pointing out in those accounts and whether or not their argument is objective.
「The Sense of Ownership of 'Dokdo' Implied in the Geography Books and Maps of the Joseon Period」 by Professor Lim Hak-Seong (Inha University) studied the records of the Joseon period that are now used as academic material for the ongoing sovereignty debate over Dokdo, i.e. a number of geography books and maps recorded and compiled by the Joseon government and intellectuals, to examine the sense of ownership that the Josen government and intellectuals had over Dokdo.