The 5th International NGO Conference on History and Peace Successfully Held at Kyunghee University from July 22 to 25, 2013 About 500 NGO Representatives and Researchers from 20 Countries Participate in the Discussion of 'Peaceful East Asian Community and the Transformation of Civilization' Expecting NGOs to Play Roles in Historical Reconciliation in East Asia
  • Written by Kang Seong-ho, Chairman of the Steering Committee, International NGO History Forum for Peace in East Asia

On July 22, 2013, the 5th International NGO Conference on History and Peace opened with the symposium and keynote speech themed 'How to Accomplish Historical Reconciliation and Peace Promotion in Northeast Asia,' followed by four plenary sessions and thirteen workshops. Concurrently, a variety of other events were also held: a mock class taught by the authors of the Korea-Japan joint history textbook; special lectures by experts from countries around the world on East Asian history and culture; participatory programs for communication and reconciliation; international film festival.; exhibition; journalist forum; Asian youth forum; and history tour. The co-directors of this conference in Korea were: Samual Lee, Director of International NGO History Forum for Peace in Korea; Kim Hak-joon, President of Northeast Asian History Foundation; and Cho In-won, President of Kyung Hee University. The co-directors overseas were: Joke van der Leeuw-Roord, Founding President and Executive Director of EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Educators making contributions to historical reconciliation and common historical perception in Europe; Kinhide Mushakoji, former Vice-Rector of United Nations University; and Chun Chunlong, Vice President of the Federation of China's Civil Claims Against Japan.

The timing of this conference couldn't have been better because it was held at a time when the recent changes of leadership in the U.S., and Russia as well as the three Northeast Asian nations were expected to bring many changes to the international political landscape surrounding the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia, and the rightward shift of Japan's new Abe administration was increasing conflict with its neighboring countries over history and territory. The participants also found this conference highly significant because it was held in the year that marked the 60th anniversary of the Korean War truce and at a time when it was becoming important to restore trust and build peace in the Korean peninsula. Among the participants were the representatives of Japanese civil society organizations concerned about Japan's distortion of history and rightward shift participated in this conference, who, in a concerted voice with NGOs in East Asia, pointed out problems and led the government and citizens in the right direction. The major participating speakers included: Ichiro Muto, Director of Japan's leading civil society organization 'Civil Plan for the 21st Century; Kinhide Mushakozi, former Vice-Rector of the United Nations University; Jin Naoko, Director of 'Bridge for Peace' and an NGO activist committed to inspiring Japanese youths with the correct historical perception; Professor Rao Kinsey, director of the International Network Seeking Solutions for Historical Reconciliation and Peace Building in East Asia; and Cyril Ritchie, President of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO), leader of civil society activities in the international community.

Day 1 began with the opening ceremony, which consisted of an opening speech (Samuel Lee, Director of International NGO History Forum for Peace in Korea), a welcoming message (Cho In-won, President of Kyung Hee University), congratulatory messages (Kim Hak-joon, President of NAHF; Seo Nam-su, Korean Minster of Education; Yoo Ki-hong, Co-Director of the Group of Lawmakers for the Correct History Education; Rolf Mafael, German Ambassador to Korea), and keynote speeches (Kinhide Mushakoji, Co-Director; and Cyril Ritchie, President of CoNGO (Conference of Non Governmental Organizations in consultative relationship with the United Nations)). And in the opening symposium that followed, there was a noteworthy discussion on paradigm shift.

In Plenary Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4 held on Day 2, the participants discussed the problems and issues of international politics faced by East Asia today and their historical origins, and explored possible solutions. In Plenary Session 1 on the 60th anniversary of the Korean War truce, the speaker and the discussants emphasized that the U.S. and Chin were as important as inter-Korean relations in keeping peace in the Korean peninsula. And the extremely polarized view on the North and the South within South Korea was pointed out as an obstacle to peace in the Korean peninsula that required efforts to overcome, and the importance of cooperation between the civil society organization and the government was emphasized. In Plenary Session 3, Shin Bong-kil, Secretary-General of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, said that "the ministerial-level meetings or working-level exchanges and collaborations that are already under way in 18 departments among the three countries of South Korea, China, and Japan are likely to have a ripple effect that will lead to cooperation and the development of a community in Northeast Asia."

The main topics discussed in Plenary Sessions 2 and 4 were the Korean Peninsula, China, and Japan from the viewpoints of international politics and conflict. Consensus was reached that in order to avoid repeating the history of military imperialism, building an East Asian Community where a number of small countries cooperate with one another would be preferable to the order controlled by a few giant countries holding hegemony. And it was concluded that such cooperation could be achieved through civil society.

On Day 3, education programs and expert workshops by section were conducted. Concurrently, a variety of workshops organized by civil society organizations were also conducted on the main agenda of the History NGO Forum. Specifically, NGO representatives and researchers participated in the workshops on the topics of continued discussion at History NGO Forum, such as 'the Best Practices of 'Grass-Roots' Movement for Historical Reconciliation,' 'Universal Rules and Values,' 'International NGO Network and CSO-Government Cooperation,' 'Disputes of Territories and Territorial Waters,' and presented cases experienced by their organizations, and discussed the positions of NGOs on the role of civil society and how to solve problems. The action plans suggested by each of the sections for establishing peace in East Asia are summarized into the following four items. First, conduct campaigns for the correct knowledge of history, make common history books, and go beyond the cultural sphere of Chinese characters and review the history presented by countries concerned. Second, create a common bond among citizens, youths, and experts by increasing communication and exchange. Third, provide continuing education as well as formal education that will give citizens and youths the correct perception of history. Fourth, expand exchange and communication, and strengthen solidarity since peace-building requires joint effort and action from civil society in Asia and beyond. A program for adolescents and young adults was held before the opening ceremony. It consisted of nine special lectures on East Asian history and culture in which high school and college students attended, and spent time with the delegates from abroad. The pre-events included a mock history class for high school students conducted by the authors of the Korean-Japan joint history book, which proved to be a valuable experience for all concerned.

A noteworthy part of this conference was the joint activity of Korean and Japanese youths to experience reconciliation through dialogue. The 'Korea-Japan Conflict Resolution Program through Dialogue,' as it was called, was a new addition to the 5th International NGO Conference. Five Koreans and five Japanese participated in this program that adopted Skype as a remote communication tool and was presided over remotely from San Francisco by Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Traubman who had been experts in conflict resolution for forty years.

Another noteworthy event was the Historical Film Festival, in which a variety of films on historical conflict in East Asia were shown from the 22nd to the 24th day of July at Orbis Hall Room 111 in the Kyunghee University Seoul Campus. At this 3-day film festival, five films were shown under the theme 'The History and Peace of East Asia.' After the screening of A River Changes Course (2012 Cambodia),' the winner of the 2013 Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Price for World Cinema Documentary, the film's director Kalyanee Mam joined from the U.S. in the special session for conversation with the audience. Director Kalyanee Mam from Cambodia had moved to the United States with his parents during the 'Killing Fields' era and become a lawyer in his late 20s, but his love for Cambodia had led his way into making films.

The dynamic driving force behind the success of this conference came from the participation and commitment of volunteers and interns. Despite the heavy rains, about 80 volunteers from across the country did their best carrying out their respective duties throughout the conference period in protocol, translation, classroom support, information desk, PR media, etc. In their activities, they demonstrated their ability and played a pivotal role in leading the conference to success. The spirits and activities of the young volunteers shed a bright light on the future of Korea.