ditor's Note: This year marks exactly a quarter of a century since Korea and Mongolia established diplomatic relations. The two countries share common elements of history and culture on various levels. For example, our ancestors from ancient Korean states (e.g. Koguryo and Buyeo) established early settlements in the eastern Mongol region. Therefore, academic exchange between the two countries is essential to studying the roots of our ancestors. There has been continued academic exchange between Korea and Mongolia in the areas of history and culture since the establishment of the Korea-Mongolia Council of Historians in 2011 under the MOU between the NAHF and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS). For this month's issue of the NAHF newsletter, S. Chuluun, the Director of the Institute of History and Archaeology at the MAS, was interviewed to talk about the shared history and culture of Central Eurasia, and the distortion of history by the neighboring countries.
Director S.Chuluun
He graduated from the Department of History at the National University of Mongolia in 1999, and earned his Ph.D from the National Teacher's Training University of Russia in 2004. He served as Deputy Dean of the Mongolian State University of Trade, and has served as Director of the Institute of History and Archaeology at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) since 2010. A major in the medieval history of Mongolia-Russia relations, he is the author of numerous papers, and books on Mongol folklore, among other subjects.
Q. Jang Seog-ho The year 2015 marks the 25th year since Korea and Mongolia established diplomatic relations. And the year 2016 will mark the 10th year since the NAHF and the MAS signed the MOU. This must bring back a lot of memories.
A. S. Chuluun Korea is the first Asian country with which Mongolia established diplomatic relations once it got out of the socialist system in 1990. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that no other area of cooperation between the two countries is producing as fascinating results as history. There is an affinity between the peoples of Korea and Mongolia that is stronger than the one they might have with any other Asian country. And this is because of their similarities in language, culture, and history. But if this affinity has led to the development of relations between the two countries, it was thanks to constant exchange and cooperation between official institutions, of course. The MOU for comprehensive academic exchange between the NAHF and the MAS is an example. For the effective implementation of this MOU, the two institutions officially launched the Korea-Mongolia Council of Historians in 2011. The objectives of this council include providing scholars of both countries with guidance for exchange and cooperation, holding various events on a regular basis, providing support for the publication of research papers and books, jointly coping with the neighboring countries that distort history, and promoting the exchange of people.
If there has been the result of the exchange and cooperation among historians and archaeologists over the years, it is that they have broadened their understanding of each other, and accumulated research experience. It is now time to take it to the next level. Exchange in the areas of history and culture will continue to play important roles in relations between Mongolia and Korea just as it has played major roles over the past 25 years since the establishment of their diplomatic ties.
Q. Jang Seog-ho China is distorting the history of Mongolia and other northern hunting/nomadic peoples through such projects as the 'Northern Border Project' and the 'Plain Project.' Is China the only one or are there any other neighboring countries that distort the history of Mongolia? What are the major details of the distortion of the history of Mongolia? And how are they being dealt with?
A. S. Chuluun Generally speaking, the history of nomads and the history of settlers belong to two completely different worlds. There are historical records, as early as from the era of the Xiongnu, one of the first nomadic states, that documented the distinction in detail: "The country of people in full dress within the Great Wall is China, and the countries of archers north of the Great Wall are the nomads." There is still a deep gap between China and the nomads in their perception or assessment of the other. I am well aware that China is paying attention to the history of the northern nomads. We are also reviewing their research. If, however, China is denying or distorting other countries in interpreting history, it cannot be expected to maintain objectivity in learning. Doing so is like advertising its backwardness in supposedly scientific learning.
Not only China but also Kazakhstan has distorted the history of Mongolia in recent years. It is a historical fact that Genghis Khan was the 'Khan' of Kazakhstan, because the Kazakhs were under the rule of the Mongol force until the 17th century. But describing Mongol territory as if it were the home of the Kazakhs or describing Genghis Khan as if he were a Kazakh is a completely absurd distortion of history. It should be also noted that China was under the rule of nomads for centuries and assimilated various elements of nomadic culture in the process. Of course, there are also many elements of Chinese settlers' culture that were introduced and assimilated in Mongolia. This is what happens naturally in the course of the development of civilization, and, therefore, should be described objectively.
Mongol historians are also studying a variety of academic evidence to deal with the distortion of history. Their studies are trying to take scientific approaches based on historical facts, instead of simply distorting the histories of other countries.
Q. Jang Seog-ho China conducted archaeologic surveys in the Liao River basin and the Inner Mongolia region and discovered some sites with characteristics that distinguished those regions from 'the Central Plain' region. China labeled those cultures the 'Liao civilization' and the 'Hongshan culture,' respectively, regarding them as part of Chinese history. How is this situation perceived in Mongolia?
A. S. Chuluun This is an issue to which many experts within Mongolia are paying attention and about which scientific books have been written and published. China's use of the sites and relics found in regions inhabited by nomads as a lens into Chinese history can be explained as a method of historical research. However, the fact that the native inhabitants of the Inner Mongolia region are Mongol should be carefully noted. The nomads living in the Inner Mongolia region, even though it currently belongs to Chinese territory, are trying to preserve their cultural heritage and tradition.
China's research on the Hongshan culture is not completely acknowledged yet by historians in other countries. Mongolia is paying attention when the results of this highly controversial research are coming out. I believe that conscientious Chinese scholars understand as well as I do that abusing history for political purposes is unacceptable. If historical research itself has suffered a set-back in recent years, it is because of, among other reasons, the attempts to use good studies by scholars for political purposes or distort history out of personal ambition.
Q. Jang Seog-ho In research on the history of civilization in border regions with a mix of the histories and cultures of different peoples, a certain country and people's biased view could lead to the distortion of the histories and cultures of its neighboring countries. Northeast Asia, which includes Mongolia and Korea, is such a border region. What roles do you think Mongolia can play in establishing what we call 'Northeast Asian history'?
A. S. Chuluun Joint research between countries and peoples with shared histories and cultures is essential to establishing a desirable 'Northeast Asian history.' Additionally, the geographic characteristics of Mongolia in Northeast Asia also need to be taken into consideration. For example, there is more than one view on how far the Mongol region extends. While Europeans, primarily Britons, think that Mongolia belongs to Inland Asia, Japanese and Korean scholars tend to include Mongolia in Northeast Asia. In China and Russia, there is a recent trend to include Mongolia in the Central Eurasia region. According to a history and culture classification system, Mongolia currently belongs to the border region between Asia and Europe, and lies in a vast region extending from the old Siberia to the Tibetan Plateau, and from the Korean Peninsula to the Eurasian Steppe. That explains why the history and culture of Mongolia overlap with those of a number of peoples and countries in the Northeast Asian region. This is also why Mongolia holds an important position in Northeast Asian history, and Mongolia thinks that Northeast Asian history matters.
Q. Jang Seog-ho China's 'One Belt, One Road (一帶一路),' Russia's 'New Eurasia Policy,' and Korea's 'Eurasia Initiative' are the policies that show that Central Eurasia is emerging as a new stage for change and development. How is Mongolia dealing with the Central Eurasia policies of other countries?
A. S. Chuluun Mongolia is trying to maintain active political and economic relations with neighboring regions or countries. But political and economic conditions are less important than historical and cultural issues in the perception of the Central Eurasia or Eurasia region. Our ancestors have been active participants in Central Eurasian history for millennia, constantly creating new histories and cultures in this region. Therefore, their experience needs to be taken into account as we look back on the past together, if we are to shape a future of co-existence and co-prosperity.
Given that the neighboring countries are highly interested in Central Eurasia, we are planning a joint research project to study the historical and contemporary issues of countries in this region. Recently, we held a conference in Germany to discuss the establishment of the 'Central Asia/Eurasia Research Center' affiliated with our institute, with the participation of scholars from Europe, Japan, and the U.S. as well as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Russia. This research center is scheduled for official launch in September, and will undertake active research about Central Asia and Eurasia.
Q. Jang Seog-ho At the NAHF-hosted conference in June this year, you presented a paper on 'Central Asia and Mongolia for 17th-Century Russia.' Please explain the historical significance of Mongolia in the Central Eurasia region.
A. S. Chuluun My current research is about the history of Russians who advanced into the Eurasia region in the 17th century, so I presented a related study at that conference. The main sources for my research are the historical records in the Manchu language and in the Mongolian language, published primarily by the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents and the Beijing Municipal Archives in China. During a better part of the 17th century, Russia was occupying Siberia, and, at the same time, advanced into the Mongol Steppe and established exchange relations with the Qing Dynasty in Manchuria. After this period, this region underwent substantial changes in its features. If we closely examine the reason for this, we can see that Mongolia is the basis of contemporary relations between China and Russia. Let me explain. At that time, there were three roads that connected Russia to China. And it was the Mongol who taught the Russians about all of those roads. In the 17th century, the Mongolian was the official language used by both Russia and Qing. It was also the Mongol who first introduced tea to Russia. Afterwards, a trade route that linked Asia to Europe, called the 'Tea Road,' was opened up. Currently, a project called the 'Steppe Road' is underway, and it is fundamentally related with this historical tradition. As I've explained so far, Mongolia played a very important role in Russia-China relations at that time. If we study that period of history well, we could get a good idea about what policies and principles might be needed for Mongolia in its future exchange with its neighboring countries. The period during which Mongolia's roles in the Central Eurasia region were most prominent can be divided into a total of five periods: Period 1 comprises the Bronze Age and the Iron Age; Period 2 the period of the Turks; Period 3 the period of the Mongol Empire; Period 4 the 17th century; and Period 5 the present. Studying and correctly assessing these periods is essential to understanding the past and the present of Central Eurasia.
Q. Jang Seog-ho What do you think are the areas and challenges on which Korea and Mongolia should focus in their future cooperation?
A. S. Chuluun Mostly joint research has been conducted in the Mongol Steppe. A number of Korean institutions and individuals have conducted a variety of research in their own areas of study. Unfortunately, however, their research covers too many areas to be comprehensive or systematic. These problems were pointed out at the conference held in Korea in June this year. As a solution, I believe it important that future research will be comprehensive and include more long-term joint research projects.
Stable exchange in history and archaeology is possible between Korea and Mongolia because, despite a close affinity between them in language, culture, tradition, and history, the two countries have no dispute over territory, history, and culture. Between the two countries, there are many research topics that haven't been properly studied yet. And I expect that projects to study these topics will benefit greatly from the activities of the Korea-Mongolia Council of Historians. I always feel grateful to the Northeast Asian History Foundation for its generous support for all these activities.