The Fate of Tang Vassals Namsaeng and His Son
  • Kim, Hyun-sook Research Fellow, Research Department

In 666 CE, when Namsaeng, Yeon Gaesomun's son, was on an inspection tour of the provinces, his younger brothers Namgeon and Namsan staged a coup. Namsaeng and his father, unable to return to Pyeongyang, attempted to go to Guknae Seong, but even this proved difficult. Contrary to their expectations, they did not have the unanimous support of the aristocracy in Guknae Seong. They had to find an alternative, and it was Namsaeng's son Heonseong who came up with the following plan: explain the situation to the Tang court and ask for military assistance to oust Namgeon and Namsan. Heonseong went first, and the others followed. In 668, Namsaeng led the Tang forces to his homeland and attacked Pyeongyang Seong, bringing about the demise of the Goguryeo dynasty.

Thereafter, Namsaeng and Heonseong became vassals to the Tang emperor in the Tang capital. They were given wealth and power as they had volunteered to be naturalized and as they had made significant contributions to bringing about the downfall of Goguryeo.

Namsaeng was even directly involved in the governance of Goguryeo migrants. In 677, the year after the Silla-Tang Wars had come to a close, the Tang court invested King Bojang as the vassal ruler of Liaodong. This setup was for the Tang court to rule over the migrants through King Bojang as there had been strong opposition to the Tang government from the Gorguryeo migrants.

Namsaeng, for his part, was sent to rule over the former territory of Goguryeo through an arrangement different from that of King Bojang. He was dispatched as an official to the Protectorate-General to Pacify the East (Andong Dohobu; 安東都護府). Thus, the Tang court had set up a twofold system of governance and surveillance over the Goguryeo migrants.

Contrary to Tang's intentions, King Bojang, immediately upon his return to Goguryeo, sought to restore the kingdom with the help of the Sokmal Malgal (Sumo Mohe) who had been a part of Goguryeo. King Bojang's plan, however, was exposed. The year after, he was sent on exile and met his end in shame as a king without a kingdom.

The bitter taste of the wealth and honor won by voluntary surrender

In the Korean TV drama Dae Jo-yeong, Namsaeng, like King Bojang, is depicted as though he had worked toward the revival of Goguryeo. However, there is no evidence supporting this portrayal in historical records, in his own epitaph, or in the epitaphs of his sons and grandsons.

What became of Namseong's son Heonseong? Most Goguryeo people who had voluntarily surrendered, managed to maintain their status as nobility, and held government posts in the Tang court were generally mobilized for war to conquer other "barbarian" peoples. One of the most frequently used methods of conquering "barbarian" peoples by the successive dynasties of China was having "barbarian" generals and soldiers lead such military expeditions. In one sense, it was a means of using an enemy to suppress another enemy (以夷制夷), and it another sense, it was a way to protect the Chinese Han.

Heonseong was recognized for his loyalty and military capabilities. He, therefore, served as a close aide to the Tang emperor. There is a famous anecdote about Heonseong. Empress Wu Zetian (則天武后), who was ruling over the Tang dynasty at that time, asked for the best archers among her vassals. Heonseong was recommended to the empress to whom he said, "Your Majesty has asked for the best archers, but not all of us are Han Chinese. I am concerned about standing before you today as Tang officials might feel ashamed about their archery skills."

The story illustrates the caution that the Goguryeo migrants—without any reliable backing in the Tang political scene—had to exercise during the tumultuous rule of Empress Wu Zetian. As a matter of fact, Heonseong met his demise in the hands of a disgruntled Chinese by the name of Lai Junchen (來俊臣). Heonseong had been put in charge of managing the procurement of supplies for the construction of a massive copper monument detailing Empress Wu Zetian's accomplishments. Seeing how lucrative a position Heonseong was in, Lai Junchen demanded money from Heonseong. Heonseong refused. In retaliation, Lai Juncheng framed Heonseong for treason for which Heonseong was executed. Heonseong was only 42 years old.

Yeon household's excuse-filled epitaphs

Heonseng had three sons: Hyeoneun, Hyeonil, and Hyeonjeong. There are no records of the Hyeonil and Hyeonjeong. While the eldest son Hyeoneun's gravestone has not been found, his name is mentioned in the epitaphs of his father Hyeonseong and his son Cheonbi (泉毖), who met an early death at the age of 22.

On Cheonbi's epitaph, which Hyeoneun himself designed, Cheonbi's hometown is listed as Beijing. Only a generation had passed since the fall of Goguryeo and Hyeoneun was a famous figure. Accordingly, everyone knew that Cheonbi was of Goguryeo origin. Nevertheless, Hyeoneun set down his son's birthplace as Beijing and made no mention of Goguryeo. Why? Was it to obliterate his memory of Goguryeo? Was it to forget the trials and tribulations he had experienced as a Goguryeo migrant and a traitor of his homeland?

Such shirking of the past and the accompanying responsibilities is evident in the epitaphs of Namsaeng and Heonseong. Their epitaphs detail the conditions under which they went to Tang. They show no remorse over their betrayal of their homeland. Rather, the epitaphs openly express Namsaeng and Heonseon's hostility toward Namgeon and Namsan for their betrayal. There is nothing but "excuses" that attempt to justify Namsaeng and Heonseong's actions.

The tombs of the Nam family, who betrayed their homeland, are in Beimang Shan. The recent discovery of their tombs was made known to academia. The tombs of Namsaeng, his son Heonseong, and Heonseong's son Cheonbi, lie side by side in Luoyang, China (refer to photo). Namsaeng's remains had been transferred from Liaodong. Given the presence of Namsaeng's great-grandson's tomb, the area must have been the family burial ground of the Nam household.