Director of the Institute of International Studies at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Liu Ming Answers Questions About Pending Issues of the Korean Peninsula "If North Korea's nuclear development continues, China will work with Korea and the U.S. to impose economic sanctions on North Korea. The Korea-China FTA could allow both nations to seek common interests."
  • Coordinated/Transcribed/Edited by Seol Won-tae, Senior Administrator at the NAHF

Editor's Note: The Northeast Asian History Foundation and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) co-hosted the first international seminar on "Korea-China Public Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation in East Asia” at Millennium Seoul Hilton on November 7, 2013. In this event, held with the aim of enhancing exchange in the humanities between Korea and China, Liu Ming, Director of the Institute of International Studies at the SASS, participated as representative of China. NAHF Research Fellow Cha Jae-bok had an in-depth interview with Mr. Liu, who is well-versed in Korean peninsula affairs.

Liu Ming (劉鳴), Executive Deputy Director of the Institute of International Studies at the SASS1)

Born in 1958. Earned his Ph.D. in political science in 1998 from the Institute of World Economy at Fudan University. Visiting Scholar at Columbia University (1993), Seoul National University (1996), and Stanford University (2000). His latest publications include the paper "Northeast Asian Regional Policy Coordination in an Era of Fundamental Change in North Korea" which appeared in One Step Back? Reassessing an Ideal Security State for Northeast Asia 2025 (The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, 2011), and the paper "Changes and Continuities in Pyongyang's China Policy" which appeared in North Korea in Transition: Politics, Economy, and Society (Rowman & Littlefield, 2012).

Cha Jae-bok (車在福), Research Fellow, Office of Policy Planning at the NAHF

Earned his master's degree in international relations from Korea University, and his Ph.D. in history from the Institute of World History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (major in Chinese diplomacy and the history of Sino-Japanese relations). Co-author of The Progress of Korea-China Relations from 1992 to 2012.

Cha It has been nearly a year since the parties to the six-party talks-- South Korea, China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, and the U.S.--went under new leadership. What do you think of the current relationship of major countries surrounding the Korean peninsula (North Korean nuclear issue)?

Liu The Korean peninsula's stability and development depend largely on whether or not it will be denuclearized. China can exert its influence to North Korea to a certain degree, but that does not mean that North Korea will listen to everything China has to say. Since its strategic goal is to possess nuclear capability, North Korea wouldn't want the Korean peninsula to be denuclearized. China intends to leverage its relationship with North Korea because it views North Korea's denuclearization process as an important turning point for establishing relations with the U.S., China intends to induce North Korea's denuclearization by resuming the six-party talks. If North Korea refuses to cooperate and proceeds with nuclear tests, China will work with the U.S. and South Korea among other countries to impose tighter economic sanctions on North Korea. Currently, the U.S. and South Korea, presenting conditions for the resumption of the six-party talks, are demanding that North Korea should show by action its good faith toward the denuclearization. But if North Korea flatly refuses the demand, the six-party talks will be difficult to resume, and North Korea will remain determined to develop nuclear weapons. This situation will work against the related nations in achieving their short-term goal of detering North Korea from making continued efforts to develop nuclear weapons.

The Heightening Nationalism in East Asia Needs to Be Curbed

Cha Since the historical conflict between China and Japan turned into a territorial conflict in 2010, nationalism has reached a peak in East Asia, resulting in serious conflicts within the region. What do you think of this and where do you think it will lead?

Liu China has become more powerful as a nation recently, and this seems to be met with growing uneasiness and nervousness in Japan. This sentiment was illustrated by the Japanese government's move to nationalize Diaoyudao (known in Japan as the Senkaku Islands) in September 2012. Japan is rapidly shifting to the right, and its attempts to amend the Peace Constitution and secure the right of collective self-defense show that Japan is on its way toward a 'normal state.' The Chinese people are expressing discontent with their government, which has taken a submissive attitude toward the foreign countries that have violated China's sovereignty and integrity for a long time. Against this backdrop, the Chinese people are outraged by the way Japan refuses to acknowledge China's sovereignty over Diaoyudao and back down from the dispute. From the perspective of peace, development, and prosperity in Northeast Asia, the leaders of China and Japan should endeavor to suppress the increasingly heightening nationalism. They should also discourage their media from attacking the other country. Of course, the United States should also turn away from secret protection of Japan and military actions. Otherwise, Japan will become more confrontational with China, and will not change direction toward seeking a peaceful solution through dialogue.

Cha I understand that China is enthusiastic about studying 'public diplomacy' recently. Given the current political situation of East Asia, while the public diplomacy of a single country is important, the public diplomacy within the region for 'regional cooperation in East Asia' cannot be overlooked, either. What roles do you think the think tanks of Korea and China should play for strengthening public diplomacy within the region?

Liu I think that the think tanks of both countries should actively participate in the 'humanities exchange' activities currently promoted by both countries. As the major think tanks of the two countries, we should, first in studying issues related to the other country, analyze the issues in an objective and rational manner, present opinions, and actively lead the public opinion and the people to have a rational perception of Sino-Korean relations and the other country's policy. The think tanks like us should be active in making suggestions to the government for people's exchange between the two countries, trust in the other country, and risk management. As particularly for North Korean issues, we should offer constructive initiatives for the peace and security, denuclearization and unification of the Korean peninsular by encouraging understanding and tolerance from the government officials and peoples of the two countries. And we should introduce the results of our exchange to the societies of the two countries by drawing on the strengths of each of us in hosting academic conferences, conducting research projects, and engaging influential scholars in our academic exchange in the form of exchange visitor programs.

On President Park Geun-hye's Eurasia Initiative

Cha Last year, President Park Geun-hye proposed a “Eurasia Initiative.” Some Korean scholars regard it as a strategy that can address the diplomatic and economic challenges faced by Korea. What is your opinion as a Chinese scholar?

Liu Ming,
Director of the Institute of
International Studies at the SASS

Liu Yes, as you said, President Park Geun-hye of Korea proposed a new initiative known as "Eurasia Initiative" on October 18, 2013. On the basis of the existing Korean Peninsula Trust Process and the diplomacy and security strategy of the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative, Park proposed an economic strategy that would develop Eurasia into a unified economic sphere. I think that such an initiative is theoretically excellent. This initiative represents an organic combination of solutions to various issues, such as Korean Peninsular affairs, Korea's economic development, regional economic cooperation among China, Japan, Korea, and Russia, and future energy cooperation. In particular, this initiative highlighted Korea's pivotal function and status as a middle power. Of course, there are still many remaining challenges before this initiative can become a reality. But the Silk Road Express (SRX) that will connect South Korea to North Korea is highly unlikely to come true. What is more feasible at this point is the 'New Silk Road Project' that will connect Shanghai all the way to Norway and the Halifax port in Canada on the Atlantic coast of North America by way of Urumqi, Kazakhstan, Russia, Finland, and Sweden. As for an Eurasia energy network, the nations concerned will consider their own interests first because the benefits they can get from energy resources differ and they have already spent money in laying down pipelines. The Korea-China-Japan FTAs are making slow progress due to political factors. The trade agreements within this region, such as the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) and the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement), will be ultimately interconnected. To make that happen, both economies need to finish internal negotiations.

Cha Between South Korea and China, there are still potential conflicts in military and security areas. Where do you suggest Sino-Korean relations should be headed in the future?

Liu In the future, the bilateral relations should mover toward economic cooperation. China and Korea are countries with the biggest economic energy in Northeast Asia. Strengthening economic cooperation between the two countries is beneficial and completely harmless, in terms of whether the scale of regional development or the structure and characteristics of both economies. First of all, the two countries should enter into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The conclusion of the Korea-China FTA will allow the two countries to fully leverage their comparative advantage and improve their economy through trade. It will allow China to use more of Korea's technology and money. More importantly, the conclusion of the Korea-China FTA can lower trade barriers, reduce trade frictions, and ease trade deficits between the two countries. Moreover, since China has abundant labor and huge markets, Korea could get the benefit of scale in production and markets by using China's continued economic growth, huge markets, and cheap labor through the Korea-China FTA. In addition to the bilateral cooperation, promoting economic cooperation among East Asian nations and establishing a system of economic cooperation appropriate to the East Asian region is another important direction that China and Korea can take in their future cooperation. Secondly, the two countries should forge a regional security partnership. The establishment of a Northeast Asian security system by Korea and China carries a very important significance. That the two countries of importance in Northeast Asia forge a security partnership in keeping with the increasingly active exchange between their high-ranking officials is critical to achieving stability in Northeast Asia.

Cha Please tell us specifically about the areas in which cooperation between the two countries can be realized.

Liu There are a few areas where the mutual cooperation of the two countries is possible. First, the hottest issue in Northeast Asia is still the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, in which both Korea and China have common interests. There have been several rounds of the six-party talks for the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue. However, not only does North Korea not give up nuclear tests, but it possesses nuclear weapons and has pushed ahead with three nuclear tests. And there is a possibility that North Korea will go ahead with the fourth nuclear test. China's position is that it is dead set against North Korea's nuclear tests and wants to persuade North Korea to give up nuclear weapons through dialogue. This is similar to the position of Korea, which is against North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons and wants play an active role in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue through dialogue. In other words, the two countries have a solid foundation on which they can go hand in hand with the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue. The two countries should seek the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue through cooperation. Secondly, the unification of the Korean peninsula is an area that will require cooperation between the two countries. The two countries share emotions as victims of the Cold War. And China is also always under the influence of external powers trying to keep it in check over Taiwan issues. For this reason, the Chinese people well understand the trauma caused to the Korean people by the division of the Korean peninsula. In terms of interests, the unification of the Korean peninsula is closely linked to the interests of Korea and China. In addition, the prosperity and stability of the Korean peninsula is in the best interests of Korea and China. China wants the two Koreas to achieve unification through dialogue, cooperation, and negotiation. Before they can achieve such unification, the two Koreas should first move from truce to peace, and build a normal system of cooperation. For the establishment of a peace system in the Korean peninsula, China will, for its part, give full support and take charge of security.

The SASS is the Largest Local Academy of Social Sciences in China

Cha What kind of research institute is the SASS? And please tell us about the major areas of study, plans, and vision of the SASS-affiliated Institute of International Studies where you are serving as director, and of the Center for North and South Korea Studies within the institute.

Liu The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences was founded in 1958 by integrating the Institutes of Economic and Historical Studies at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The SASS is the largest local academy of social sciences in China, and the only total research institute of the humanities and social sciences in Shanghai. It is also an important base of international exchange in the academic fields of philosophy and social sciences in Shanghai. The SASS consists of 17 institutes, with about 700 researchers and 600 graduate students. The Institute of International Studies within the SASS is a new institute established in February 2012 by the combination of the Institutes of Asia-Pacific Studies and Eurasia Studies. In this institute where I serve as director, there are thirty researchers and six research groups: International Relations Theory; International Security; Regional Cooperation; Power Strategy; Chinese Diplomacy; and International Culture. The Institute publishes the journal Research in International Relations. And the key responsibilities of the Center for North and South Korean Studies are to strengthen academic exchange with a number of research institutions and universities in Korea, hold joint meetings, and exchange visits on a regular basis. The main areas of study include: the North Korean nuclear issue; inter-Korean relations; the Korean peninsula peace mechanism; the economic policy and leader's thought within North Korea; North Korea-U.S. relations; North Korea-China relations; and inter-Korean strategic partnership.

Cha Jae-bok, Research Fellow,
Office of Policy Planning, NAHF

Cha You seem to have an extensive network of people with the Korean academia thanks to your exchange with a number of institutions in Korea for a long time. Please tell us about the history of your relationship with the Korean academia.

Liu I first visited Korea as part of the Korea Foundation (KF) Visiting Scholar Support Program (1996-1997). At that time, I ostensibly belonged to the Department of Eastern History at Seoul National University. During that period, I become friends with many Korean scholars and government officials, including Professor Min Doo-ki with the Department of Eastern History at Seoul National University, Professor Han Seung-ju, who is the Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee for the 21st Century and the Director of the International Relations Institute at Korea University, and also attended many international conferences. After a short return trip to China in March 1997, I came back on an invitation from the Korean Association of International Studies and the Institute for Investigation into International Affairs to attend the first international conference held in Seoul in June that year. And in the sixteen years since then, I have made a total of about 30 visits to Korea.

Cha What is your impression of the first academic exchange between the Northeast Asian History Foundation and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences?

Liu In this conference, the exchange was mostly among researchers within the two academic institutions. Those scholars had conducted research in regional history, culture, and politics, and the papers they presented each had unique views and merits. The participants did their best to prepare presentations, which, I believe, reflected the objective academic capability of the two academic institutions. Overall, this conference was a good reflection of the planning and operating ability of the organizers.


1) Professor Liu Ming has the official title 'Executive Deputy Director of the Institute of International Studies at the SASS (中國 上海 社會科學院 國際關係硏究所 常務 副所長).' However, there is only one executive deputy director, and he is serving as de facto director. Accordingly, it was decided that Professor Liu Ming would be addressed as ''Director' in this interview.





上海社会科学院与朝鲜社会科学院的学术交流从2002年前后开始的,他们已经向我们派遣了5-6批学者访问团。他们一般每次派遣3人,一次在上海逗留3个月。他们访问的所有经费,包括住宿、吃饭、衣服、零用钱等,均由我们承担。他们派遣的学者专业包括经济、国际法、人权、金融、会计等。他们对知识经济、BOT、价格改革、市场调节、医疗保险等议题有强烈的学习兴趣。他们返回平壤的3-4位学者已经到中央部门工作。上海社会科学院党委书记一行三人在 2012年11月访问了朝鲜社会科学院,与他们的院领导和一些所长确定了下一步交流计划,但由于朝鲜进行第三次核试验,所以现在交流处于暂停状态。






六、近来,朴槿惠总统提起‘欧亚大计划’( Eurasia initiative)。韩国的一些学者认为这是可以整合韩国所面临的外交和经济问题的战略。作为中国学者您有什么看法?

当然,要实现这些构想还是非常困难的。因为,‘丝绸之路快车(SRX)’”连接韩国与朝鲜在目前的阶段几乎是不可能;而上海到乌鲁木齐,再经过哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、芬兰、瑞典到挪威纳尔维克港与北美大西洋沿岸的加拿大哈利法克斯港(Halifax)的 “新丝路”计划,目前看来实现的可能性更大一些。至于“欧亚能源网”,由于各国能源上的利益差异和已经投入的管道建设的经费,使得相关国家仍然是优先考虑自己的利益;有关“欧亚经济统合”, 中日韩自贸协定(FTA)的谈判由于政治因素的干预,谈判会旷日持久。RCEP与TPP等区域内外的贸易协定最终会连接起来,但这需要两个经济体都完成了他们的内部谈判工作。  

七, 请谈一下与韩国或者韩国学界的因缘。什么时候起访问韩国?与韩国的那些人做学术交流?



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